Product lifetimes are becoming shorter and shorter, and in many innovative areas fall short of the time it takes for a patent to be granted. The question arises, whether a utility model registered without substantive examination for protectability is…
- High hurdles, questionable effect -
If one follows the current discussion on the supply of Covid-19 vaccine to the population, people in public life like politicians, television presenters and others, repeatedly express the view that patent law…
SOFW Journal Volume 12/20, 146, 34 - 38
December 16, 2020
A. Seifert, J. Wortmann
28. -30. 10. 2020 in Berlin
Annekathrin Seifert, Jens Wortmann
"Where there is a Remedy there is a way: Patent claims for cosmetic compositions"
Jens Wortmann, Annekathrin Seifert
poster presentation
„Everything MaMoG?“
The German trademark reform: imaginative options for cosmetics
A. Seifert, J. Wortmann
Mitt. 2019, 394
25.–26.06.2019 Cologne
„Back to the Roots oder Up to the Stars? Evolution of cosmetics“
A. Seifert, J. Wortmann
Gebrauchsmusterschutz für Chemieerfindungen
"Das Patent und sein kleines Geschwisterchen"
Chemie in unserer Zeit
Poster presentation: New forms of trademarks
A. Seifert, J. Wortmann